4 beds3 baths3907 sqftDays Listed: 227

1213 Via Zumaya Palos Verdes Estates California 90274

1213 Via Zumaya  Palos Verdes Estates California 902741213 Via Zumaya  Palos Verdes Estates California 902741213 Via Zumaya  Palos Verdes Estates California 902741213 Via Zumaya  Palos Verdes Estates California 902741213 Via Zumaya  Palos Verdes Estates California 902741213 Via Zumaya  Palos Verdes Estates California 902741213 Via Zumaya  Palos Verdes Estates California 902741213 Via Zumaya  Palos Verdes Estates California 902741213 Via Zumaya  Palos Verdes Estates California 902741213 Via Zumaya  Palos Verdes Estates California 902741213 Via Zumaya  Palos Verdes Estates California 902741213 Via Zumaya  Palos Verdes Estates California 902741213 Via Zumaya  Palos Verdes Estates California 902741213 Via Zumaya  Palos Verdes Estates California 902741213 Via Zumaya  Palos Verdes Estates California 902741213 Via Zumaya  Palos Verdes Estates California 902741213 Via Zumaya  Palos Verdes Estates California 902741213 Via Zumaya  Palos Verdes Estates California 902741213 Via Zumaya  Palos Verdes Estates California 902741213 Via Zumaya  Palos Verdes Estates California 90274
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Wonderful atrium style property bursting with light and airiness! Incredible lease value priced to move fast. Ask your real estate agent to contact the listing agent for the required rental application link . This is a beautiful 4 bedroom home in the heart of the Lunada Bay neighborhood within Palos Verdes Estates. For all the Palos Verdes homes neighborhoods, Lunada Bay, if you don't know already, is the only community on the Palos Verdes Peninsula that provides families easy access to all three schools; Palos Verdes High School, Palos Verdes Intermediate, and Lunada Bay Elementary. If you lived in other areas of the Palos Verdes Peninsula, you would be commuting at least 30-45 minutes 2x a day to all the schools and back. Not here! Not only will you enjoy a quiet, peaceful, and tranquil neighborhood with a home that offers wide open spaces and expansive views, but you will also save massive amounts of time! This neighborhood is also minutes from fine dining, Trader Joes, the Whale Watching Interpretive Center, Terranea, Beaches, Hiking and Golf Courses. You will love living at 1213 Via Zumaya, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274
Parking: Street

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